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1/4 Acre HomeFire Site

1/4 Acre HomeFire Site

SKU: 1/4 acre

1/4 Acre HomeFire Sites are only available for multi unit areas. These areas will have semis, tris, quads, and more.

  • 1/4 Acre HomeFire Site

    This purchase is of a Circular 1/4 Accre HomeFire Site.


    All funds will be held, and 100% refundable, until it is used for the purchase of the Talking Trees Community land, at which point it is non refundable. 

  • Talking Trees HomeFire Site Agreement

    Talking Trees HomeFire Site Agreement


    The Land –


    Located on Turtle Island, in the area now commonly referred to as Frontenac, Ontario, Canada, there are 511 acres of pristine Canadian shield surrounded by thousands of acres of ‘crown land’ that are calling to us –comprised of mature forests, small pastures, large fields, ponds, steams, lakefront, and even a few little islands.


    HomeFire Sites – 


    While your HomeFire Site is yours to care for and shepherd, the land that makes up the Community will NOT be severed into individual parcels. Rather than dividing the land, each HomeFire Site has a circular boundary, allowing for natural corridors between each site for the wild natural world, as well as the community’s members. 


    Upon purchase of your HomeFire Site, you’re welcome to begin construction of your home anywhere within your boundary. While we recognize that temporary housing may be a necessary step for many members, we require all permanent and stationary buildings to incorporate the 6 principles of the Earthship (passive heating & cooling, water collection, waste treatment, food production, natural & recycled materials, solar & wind). 


    If you would like to sell your home, you can exchange it in any form you’d like. However, if you intend to sell your HomeFire Site, you cannot sell it for more than the purchase price –UNLESS you’ve added infrastructure to the land. 


    As “ownership” is a concept of the old world, we would like to put power back in the concepts of “stewardship” and “shepherding”. You are the steward of your home and your HomeFire Site, and all community members collectively shepherd the shared spaces. 


    There will be NO permits for any construction in the community. Members CANNOT apply for municipal building permits for their home. Applying for and working under these permits grants permission and authority to the municipality to come onto the land and dictate the creation of the community. As this is a sovereign space, under the jurisdiction of Earth and Spirit, there is NO place for fictional governing bodies, agencies or their paperwork. 


    All construction drawings and building plans will be brought to the Council of Elders to approve. The purpose of this is to ensure that each building abides by the 6 principles of the Earthship, and that the next generations are considered in the designs.


    The weekly fee for living in the community is the requirement of all able-bodied members to contribute to community projects for at least three (3) hours each week. Depending on your individual skills and passions, you might spend some time in the bakery, the barns, playing with children while their parents work, mowing grass, shoveling snow, clearing trails or cooking meals.


    The development of this community will follow the three (3) year guide laid out in this business plan. If there is ever any need to deviate from the plan, a vote will be held and a decision will be made when there is a consensus. Each HomeFire Site holds the power of one (1) vote –if there are many members on one HomeFire Site, they will be required to come to a consensus between them that will be brought to the larger community vote.



    Before any of this happens, however, you’ll get to pick where your HomeFire Site will be! This selection process will be based off of purchase order (first to buy = first to choose). You will be given the opportunity to travel on the land and find the spot that calls to you. Please note that all HomeFire Sites must be setback at least thirteen (13) meters from any waterfront. While choosing your Site, you’ll ensure that your circular boundary does not touch or overlap another Site, to maintain the natural corridors between Sites. You’ll also want to consider where the current roads are, and how long it might take to create road access to your chosen Site. 


    The funds from each HomeFire Site purchase are used for three purposes. Ninety percent (90%) is used to acquire the land, tools and equipment, and to support community projects, as stated in the business plan. Five percent (5%) of the funds are held by the community as our assurance fund –this is our version of insurance, and can be used in case of emergency. The last five percent (5%) of the funds will be held by the community as backing for Talking Trees’ Energetic Exchange (EasE) system. 

    Simple Agreement


    HomeFire Site Options –


    ¼ Acre HomeFire Site = $20,000

    ½ Acre HomeFire Site = $40,000

    1 Acre HomeFire Site = $80,000

    2 Acre HomeFire Site = $160,000 


    Agreement –


    I ____________________________, on this date ___________________, and of my own volition, purchase a ____ acre(s) HomeFire Site for $_______. 


    Thumbprint –


    By submitting this document, I have agreed to the following facts:

    -  Circular HomeFire Site boundary (the land is not severed into individual parcels)

    -  All permanent & stationary buildings must incorporate the 6 principles of the Earthship

    -  HomeFire Sites cannot be sold for more than the purchase price (unless infrastructure is added)

    -  You are the steward of your HomeFire Site, not an owner

    -  There are NO building permits in the community

    -  Construction drawings & building plans must be approved by the Council of Elders

    -  Every able-bodied member must contribute at least 3 hours to community projects every week

    -  Any deviation from the current 3 year plan is decided with a unanimous community vote

    -  HomeFire Sites are chosen based on purchase order

    -  Funds from each HomeFire Site purchase will be used as stated in this document

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